Dry Rot Repair in New Mexico
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All you need to do is enter your specific dry rot repair requirements, including your budget and the amount of work needed, and we will automatically send out your details to pre-approved, reliable professionals in New Mexico. ESFS makes it easy to compare multiple estimates from a number of local companies, you will be surprised how much you can save!
Our service provides you with price quotes from approved local companies in New Mexico. Fill out the form and find out how much you can save!
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Make sure the contractor inspects the property and works with a structural engineer when required. Extensive repairs may be needed to fix building defects, which will affect the cost. Some contractors adopt an environmental approach to dry out affected areas and increase ventilation. Others remove and treat affected areas, as well as replace or refinish areas with dry rot. Both methods are effective, although the environmental approach can cost less and be less intrusive.